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Privacy Protection

Protect PII Data with Anonymization

With the advent of privacy legislation in nearly every jurisdiction, the legal and reputational risks of unethical or insecure data practices are unfortunately often being driven by cost-benefit motivations instead of diligent and ethical practices for collecting, storing, sharing and using personally identifiable information (PII).

Attain Insight Intrinsic is a unique technology that enables organizations to anonymize user identity information, including everything from driver’s licenses to facial recognition biometric data.  Anonymized data is low risk from a security perspective because it cannot be ‘decoded’ or linked back to any specific individual, meaning that an individual’s privacy has been protected.

According to GDPR for example, anonymous data is “information which does not relate to an identified or identifiable natural person or to personal data rendered anonymous in such a manner that the data subject is not, or is no longer, identifiable”.

Anonymized data serves several important functions. Intrinsic is what is called a high fidelity PII Removal Technology (PRT).  High fidelity means that match capabilities are as good as using original personal information. This means you can answer population questions such as how many individuals are common to two different sample groups.

High fidelity anonymized data can be used for a number of important use cases:

  • Authentication
  • Identity Classification, which includes imposter identification
  • ‘Safe’ data sharing
  • Non personal intelligence collection

Attain Insight Intrinsic is the only privacy solution that provides anonymity for biometric and non-biometric data.

Privacy Protection Features

Privacy Protection enables organizations to:

  • Secure and anonymize Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data, including facial recognition, biometric and non-biometric data
  • Match anonymized PII data with other organizations
  • Support inter-organization anti-fraud projects without exposing PII 
  • Find individuals  in common with another organization without sharing any personally identifying data

This capability, offered only by Attain Insight, can assist with intelligence collection, public safety, anti-fraud practices, improved government programming and citizen privacy protection.

Note: Intrinsic is compliant with privacy policy in most countries and jurisdictions. Intrinsic is the first published solution in a new and distinct class of PII Removal Techniques (PRTs) that significantly reduce regulatory and custodial responsibilities by removal of PII.

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