
Directory Service Support Overview

Granting Access is Complicated. There is a Solution.

Granting access across a tangled web of directory services, resources, and applications is often highly manual, error prone, and lacks that “high level view.”

Is this like your organization?

S4X for Directory Services

If your authorization picture looks like this, S4X will help you in three ways:

  1. Ongoing change management
  2. Planning and testing large scale security changes
  3. Push-button compliance reporting

S4X is about authorization. The software lowers service costs, streamlines authorization-based processes by 60%-90% and provides a foundation for worldwide management. S4X is enterprise ready software that is designed for use in medium and large organizations.

How does S4X help?

S4X connects to all the leading directory service environments. Customers with complex environments can connect S4X to their directory services and receive consolidated compliance reporting for the first time. Once connected, S4X brings a host of productivity benefits to the end user authorization process and provides the ability to plan and test large-scale security changes.

Attain Insight S4X Supported Directory Services


S4X brings you a host of benefits:

  • Provides a consolidated view of security across all environments and tiers.
  • Automates membership assignment, report creation, and logging processes resulting in a 60%-90% productivity benefit on day one.
  • Allows IT to offload approximately 50% of its authorization process to business users in a controlled manner through web-based processes.
  • Answers the questions, “Who made the change?”, “When was it made?”, and “Who was impacted?”
  • Reduces errors using “security policies”
  • Logs security authorization events as they occur.

What Our Customers Have to Say